Message from the Principal
Welcome from Mrs. Owen!
Hello, Millbrooke family! I am humbled to be your Principal. This place holds a very special place in my heart as I was a Millbrooke Cardinal as a student. Here at Millbrooke, it is our mission to ensure that ALL students become the BEST version of themselves in this ever-changing society.
A little about myself- I am a native of Hopkinsville. I graduated from Hopkinsville High School in 2002. While in middle and high school, I ran cross country, played softball, and soccer. From there, I attended Western Kentucky University, where I walked on (tried out) to their softball team. Through hard work and dedication, I was able to earn a full scholarship to play softball at WKU. After graduating WKU, I returned home to Hopkinsville and started my teaching career at North Drive Middle as the Health and Physical Education teacher. From there, I served two years at Crofton, and four years at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary before accepting a position at Millbrooke as one of the Assistant Principals.
I am blessed to now have this great opportunity to serve as your building principal! I look forward to all of the memories that we will make this school year, and in the years to come. Most importantly, I look forward to seeing each and every Cardinal SOAR to new heights!

Renikka Owen